Thursday, March 10, 2016

Larangan Aktivitas Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) di Jawa Timur dalam Perspektif External Protection dan Internal Restriction Will Kymlicka

Religio: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2016
Aimmatul Alawiyah


In order to protect Ahmadiyah in East Java, the executive body of East Java Province has issued a Degree No. 188/94/KPTS/013/2011 regarding the prohibition of the Ahmadi’s activity in east java. However, it becomes controversial. On one hand, it is considered protecting minority’s right, but on the other hand, it also weakens the position of Ahmadiyah toward majority’s group outside Ahmadiyah. One implication of the degree is the loss of the primer rights of the group in worshiping their belief in accordance with their faith. Combining Kymlicka’s external protection and internal restriction, this article attempts to analyze the implication from the government degree. The basic assumption of this article is that the country is incapable to protect the existence of minority group, Ahmadiyah. The finding shows that the Government of East Java cannot protect the principle rights of Ahmadiyah, especially the right to worship based on their religious belief. As a response to this restriction, Ahmadiyah has applied an internal restriction towards their members that protect themselves from the majority. However, this restriction does not have a penalty so it is considered protecting individual rights of Ahmadiyah group.


Governor Decree, Ahmadiyah, Internal Restriction, Eksternal Protection, Will Kymlicka

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  1. Assalaamu 'alaikum. Apa kabar, Om Najib? Saya Iffat yang pernah ketemu dan ngobrol-ngobrol sama Om waktu Jalsah Salanah DKI 2015. Alhamdulillaah, sekarang saya kuliah di Biologi IPB.

    Beberapa waktu terakhir, saya sering buka-buka blog ini. Kontennya keren-keren, terutama artikel-artikel ilmiah dari jurnal-jurnal peer-reviewed. Saya jadi berkeinginan untuk nulis di jurnal-jurnal dan saya sendiri tertarik untuk nulis di Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Review of Religious Research, dan Al-Jami'ah UIN Suka. Saya ingin menuangkan pemikiran-pemikiran Masih Mau'ud (as) dalam gaya seorang akademisi. Nanti saya bisa ya minta bantuan Om Najib :)

    Oh ya, saya juga punya blog pribadi lho. Saya menampilkan ortodoksi dalam blog itu, hahahahahaha. Kalau Om Najib ada waktu, bolehlah mampir ke Kalau diperlukan, Om Najib sangat diperbolehkan memberikan saran dan kritik.

    Akhirulkalam, saya berdoa, semoga Allah Taala selalu memberikan kesehatan, kesuksesan, dan keberkahan dalam setiap langkah. Merupakan janji ilahi bahwa Dia akan senantiasa menolong siapa yang menolong Hadhrat Imam Zaman (as).

  2. Selamat Iffat sudah kuliah di IPB. Kemarin saya baca tulisannya, kalau tidak salah, di Qureta ya? Tentang Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

  3. Tentang "Trinitas Islami".
