Friday, May 17, 2013

Erfan Dahlan (Putra KH Ahmad Dahlan) dan Ahmadiyah

Irfan Dahlan (1905 – 1967)

Irfan Dahlan adalah anak keempat dari K.H. Ahmad Dahlan (w. 1923), Pendiri Muhammadiyah, dengan Siti Walidah. Lahir tahun 1905 dengan nama asli Jumhan. Berganti nama menjadi Irfan Dahlan atas keinginannya sendiri saat bertinggal di Lahore, India.

Tahun 1924, bersama beberapa kawannya, Jumhan muda dikirim untuk belajar Islam di Ishaat Islam College yang didirkan oleh Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaati Islam Lahore (AAIIL) di Lahore, India. Hal ini terjadi sesudah kedatangan misionaris Ahmadiyah di Yogyakarta, yakni Mirza Wali Ahmad Baig dan Maulana Ahmad, yang memberikan Pidato Keagamaan pada Kongres Muhammadiyah ke-13 di Yogyakarta.

Setelah cukup lama belajar di Lahore, Irfan Dahlan kemudian dikirim sebagai mubaligh untuk berdakwah di Pattani, Thailand. Di sanalah ia bertinggal dan berumah tangga hingga wafatnya. (Lihat tulisan mengenai Keluarga Irfan Dahlan di Bangkok, Thailand).

Dalam booklet World-Wide Religious Revolution yang diterbitkan oleh AAIIL pada Desember 1932, dikisahkan bahwa Dr. A.W. Khan, pendiri gerakan dakwah Islam di Pattani, memberikan kabar kepada AAIIL di India sebagai berikut:
“…obtained from our Society the services of Mr. Erfan Dahlan, a young Javanese and a student of our Ishaat Islam College. Mr. Erfan Dahlan joined the Pattani Mission in October 1930. A little later he was sent to Bangkok, the capital of Siam, to learn the Siamese language where he was cordially received by Maulana A. Karim Masoodee, Imam of the Royal Mosque, who is helping him in every way.” (p. 18)

Gambar di atas adalah foto bersama antara Staf Pengajar dan Siswa Isha‘at Islam College, Lahore, pada tahun 1927. Perguruan ini didirikan oleh Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore dan berlangsung hingga tahun 1928. Para guru yang duduk di kursi dari kiri ke kanan adalah Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi, Maulana Sadr-ud-Din, and Maulana Abdus Sattar. Siswa berjas putih yang bersimpuh di tanah adalah Irfan Dahlan. (lihat juga di sini).

Pada tanggal 23 Juni 1958, Irfan Dahlan bertemu kembali dengan guru kesayangannya, Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi, yang bersinggah  di Bangkok, saat melakukan perjalanan dari Lahore menuju Kepulauan Fiji. Hal ini tertulis dalam surat Abdul Haq Vidyarthi yang dimuat dalam Majalah Ruh-i Islam, Oktober-November 1958).

Tahun 1961, Irfan Dahlan melukis wajah sang guru, Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi, dalam bayang-bayang Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Di bawah lukisan itu, beliau mencantumkan sebaris puisi karya Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Lihat Lukisan Sang Guru Karya Irfan Dahlan.

Tahun 1967, Irfan Dahlan wafat. Ia meninggalkan sepuluh orang anak dari hasil perkawinannya dengan Zahara. (lihat artikel terkait di sini) []


  1. Martin van Bruinessen Najib, ada kesalahan kecil di tajuk. Ditulis "Irfan Dahlan (1905 – 1923)". Sebagaimana ditulis dalam esei, Irfan wafat pada tahun 1967.
    Apakah benar ia dilarang kembali ke Indonesia oleh keluarganya di Yogya?
    May 17 at 8:55am · Unlike · 2

    Najib Burhani Pak Martin van Bruinessen: Tentang larangan itu masih belum jelas. Tapi minggu-minggu lalu,keluarga Ahmad Dahlan reuni di Yogya, termasuk keturunan Irfan Dahlan. Tulisan-tulisan tentang Erfan dahlan dan keluarganya akan saya upload sebentar lagi.
    May 17 at 8:57am · Like · 1

    Najib Burhani Sketsa Karya Erfan Dahlan tentang Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi (guru Ahmadiyah-nya).

    Tatang Muttaqin Bung Najib Burhani, perlu ada scholar muslim yang mengkritik sebagaimana Franz Magnis rencana award terhadap SBY karena tak mampu melindungi minoritas muslim sekalipun sesat tetap harus dilindungi karena warga negara.
    May 17 at 9:06am · Unlike · 1

    Fauzan Anwar Sandiah Irfan Dahlan meninggalnya tahun berapa mas Najib Burhani ?
    May 17 at 9:06am · Unlike · 1

    Najib Burhani Fauzan Anwar Sandiah: Menurut informasi di atas, tahun 1967. Ini aktivitas Winai Dahlan (putra Irfan Dahlan, cucu KH Ahmad Dahlan).

    Mun'im Sirry apa ada sumber lain selain versi ahmadiyah? it may not make a difference, but just curious
    May 17 at 9:23am · Unlike · 1

    Ala'i Nadjib Najib, pembimbingku dulu, H.L.Beck pernah menulis Muhammadiyah dan Ahamdiyah ya, di Bijdragen KITLV, aku lupa judulnya, tapi sempat direview teman2 Lakpesdam NU ...
    May 17 at 9:28am · Unlike · 2

    Muthalib Samad I do not think he really belong to Qadiyani. I also involved in Ahmadiyyah Qadian, but only as obsever
    May 17 at 9:47am · Unlike · 1

    Najib Burhani Muthalib Samad: you are right. Irfan Dahlan was not a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jemaat or Qadiani Ahmadiyya. As you can see from the pictures, he was a member of Lahore Ahmadiyya.

    Najib Burhani Mbak Ala'i Nadjib: Judul tulisannya Herman Beck adalah: The rupture between the Muhammadiyah and the Ahmadiyya. ada di link berikut: Mas Mun'im Sirry: Versi dari Muhammadiyah ada di buku-buku, tidak ada link yg bisa diakses. Kalau tertarik, saya memiliki datanya. Tapi intinya, keduanya tak terlalu beda.

    Muthalib Samad Indeed, when I was with the Qadiyani, I felt that they are also muslims like me, becauuse every thing what they did are just the same as other muslims did. They only differ from us on the nubuwwat of mirza Ghulam Ahmad. But this is only a trivial thing because Mirza is oly considered as Nabi kecil without bringing new sharia.
    May 17 at 10:09am · Unlike · 1

    Muhammad Nuh Pak Najib, konon ada perbedaan antara Qadiyani dan Lahore. Yang Qadiyani menganggap Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sebagai Nabi, yang Lahore hanya sebagai mujaddid. Apakah yang selama ini diserang itu memang Qadiyani? Kalau lihat sejarah seperti ini, orang Ahmadiyah sudah cukup lama hadir di negeri ini kok ndak diakui ya mereka itu sebagai warga negara yang juga punya hak?

    Najib Burhani Muthalib Samad: The difference is not only on the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Besides that belief, there are a number of distinctive beliefs of the Qadiani Ahmadiyya. Among them are the conception of the Messiah and the Mahdi; prohibition of praying behind non-Ahmadi imams, the doctrine on intra-religious marriage, the concept of jihad, the teaching of chanda, and the system of caliphate.
    May 17 at 10:32am · Like

  2. Najib Burhani Muhammad Nuh: Ada beberapa perbedaan antara Qadiani dan Lahore Ahmadiyah, bukan hanya persoalan kenabian. Yang terutama justru tentang sistem khilafah. Perbedaan itu sangat keras pada tahun-tahun setelah 1914. Bisa dibaca dalam perdebatan antara Mahmud Ahmad, khalifah Ahmadiyah Qadian, dan Muhammad Ali, presiden Lahore Ahmadiyah. Yang diserang? seringkali keduanya. Tidak banyak yangtahu perbedaan antarakedua kelompok ini.
    May 17 at 10:36am · Like · 1

    Najib Burhani Pak Tatang Muttaqin: Saya kira betul, harus ada orang yang bersikap seperti Magnis Suseno. Tapi kalau saya yang melakukan, belum ada yang mau mendengar kali he he... Meski demikian, tetap harus dilakukan. Saya setuju itu.
    May 17 at 10:39am · Like · 1

    Muthalib Samad Najib Burhani, indeed there other differences but the main one is the nubuwwah of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Sunni and shia also have a lot of differences but now we stop to anatheme each other. Ahmadiyya Qadiyan is even closer to us than those the Ismailiyya who no longer observe ritual as we do, but this group is still muslim too.
    May 17 at 10:51am · Unlike · 1

    Muthalib Samad Najib Burhan , how come you admire Magnis so much, he depended Benedict speech which insults our Prophet Muhammmad.
    May 17 at 10:53am · Unlike · 1

    Salman Harun · Friends with Mun'im Sirry and 34 others
    Ndak smpat trangin sj
    May 17 at 11:15pm · Like

    Najib Burhani Muthalib Samad: I believe we need to support Magnis Suseno for his stance against awarding SBY's 'religious freedom award' from ACF. The condition of minorities in Indonesia has been deteriorating since his rise to power. At the moment, I do not give any comment for his defense on the Pope.
    May 18 at 8:04pm · Like

    Salman Harun · Friends with Mun'im Sirry and 34 others
    Mang benar Ahmadiyah Qadyan sdh mrupakan agama baru. Pandangan mrk menyimpang ttg Tuhan, Nabi Muhammad, salat, puasa, haji, sahabat, tempat suci, serta anggap diri Mahdi n Masih, dsb.
    May 19 at 12:31am · Like

    Muthalib Samad Najib Burhani, it is out of proportion to blame SBY for the intolerant act of some radical musli groups. This is not the era where oppression act of the rulers can be condocted. Benni Murdani stoped the Tanjung Periok muslim youth through masacre in 1984, Romo Magnis dream that this action should be done againts radical muslim groups. SBY cannot do this, it is hard to bring this big country to completely stable since the reformation has taken place only a decade. I do not trust Romo Magnis, he is double standard. Romo Magnis is not honest for other bad things done by the Indonesian Catholics. He denied the involvement of Romo Van Beek in CSIS. Romo Van Beek indoctrinated Cathoic Youths to hate Indonesian Muslims, it is obvious about this, but Magnis deniies this ( Read the dissertation of Mujiburrahaman under Martin Van Brunissen). The death penalty of Tibo who massacred a lot of muslims in Poso was seen by Magnis as wrong and Tibo in his eyes is the hero. Romo Magnis never critisizes the unfair and unsensitive methode of Christian missionarist in Indonesia where they build their churches without following the indonesian laws. This is clearr that Romo Magnis is only a missionarist who will be very happy if all indonesian to be catholics What Magnis does is only external criticism not internal one. He does not write a letter of disagreement with the speech of pope Benedict's insultiing Rasulullah. When I asked him aout this, he did not critisize him or say that Pope Benedict is wrong. What Magnis does is unproportional jugdment againts SBY.
    May 19 at 4:38am · Like

  3. Muthalib Samad I do not trust Magnis at all. He asked me why the Catholic Churches cannt be built in Saudi Arabia. He really want the churches should be build there, maybe including Mecca and Madina. I told him Saudi doos not have any Christian citizens and according to Saudi law only its citizen can build the house of whorship. Saudi only invite the Christian to work there temporarily, thus the goverment only assign certain building for them to have religios worship. Indeed, If Romo Magnis wants the church to be build there, he should firstly change Saudi law. He listened to my answer and cannot argue anymore.
    May 19 at 4:47am · Like

    Muthalib Samad Religious freedom in Indonesia is above all, even better that USA. Look at Pastor Jhon case where he burned the Quran, he is not punished until now. In Swis, the mosque cannot have the dome becuase they see it is a symbol of muslim domination.Vatican itself does not have religious tolerance, this can be seen from the intolerant speech of Pope Benedict which insults Rasullulah by calling him(SAW) as the prophet of bloodshed ( his speech 2006).
    May 19 at 4:55am · Like · 1

    Muthalib Samad SBY deserves to have the award. He tries his best to make Indonesian people to build honest relationship between different religiious believers.
    May 19 at 5:08am · Like · 1

    Muthalib Samad Najib burhan do not follow the unproportional judgement of Magnis Suseno, it is very naive
    May 19 at 7:19am · Like · 1

    Najib Burhani Muthalib Samad: I do not think SBY deserves 'religious freedom' award from any organization. Since his rise to power, instead of declining, the case of intolerance to minority groups has significantly increased.
    May 19 at 7:45am · Like · 1

    Muthalib Samad He certainly deserve it. Religious intolerance is not easy to stop, it happen every where including in the holy see of Vatican. Those who do this are mostly coming from less eductated people except in Vatican. SBY had already tried his best to handle this but he cannot imitate the way how Benni Murdani stopped the Muslim youth demostration of tanjung periok through brutal massacre. It must be noticed reason of why some muslims become radical. It is also triggered by the radical actions of some non-muslim groups through their unsensitive missionarist activities. Radicalization must provoke another radical reaction from the other part.Both sides must restrain their muscles in order to live side by side in harmony.
    May 19 at 8:43am · Like

    Muthalib Samad Remember before SBY era we have more problems such as Ambon conpllict, NInja killing NU clergies in Banyuwangi in the era of Gus Dur and Poso conplict, iincluding Madura -Dayak massacre in kalimantan. All these are more brutal and more seroius than that what happen in the era of SBY. When Gus Dur was given a lot of award, nobody question of how he also failed to stop the conplict. Why Romo Magnis did not stop Gus Dur to get all awards. He is afraid of NU people who might dislike his disagreement. I do not think he likes Gus Dur either. I told you before Romo Magnis is only a zealot Chatolic missionarist, not at all as a human right activist. Thus, we do need to follow him when he prevent Idonesia to have the award of religios freedom. No other country respect all religion like Indonesia for ever since its first foundation.
    May 19 at 8:52am · Like

  4. Najib Burhani Muthalib Samad: This is abaut 'religious freedom award', not other kind of award. I have several examples from the subject that I am familiar with on why we need, at least, to question whether SBY deserves the 'religious freedom award'. According to the report from the Setara Institute (Hasani ed. 2009, 37-8), from 265 cases of religious intolerance in Indonesia in 2008, 193 (73%) of them were related to the Ahmadiyya. Although less dramatic, similar trend occurred in years before and after 2008. The annual report from the Wahid Institute also finds similar trend; from 93 cases of violation of religious freedom in Indonesia in 2011, 46 cases (50%) are related to the Ahmadiyya (The Wahid Institute 2011, 46). In short, religious intolerance in Indonesia during the era of SBY is worse than the time before him.
    May 19 at 6:10pm · Like · 1

    Syahril Siddik Terima kasih Mas Najib postingnya. Sangat bermanfaat untuk kelanjutan penelitian tesis yang rencananya akan saya kembangkan menjadi disertasi. Salam dari Malang.
    May 19 at 7:37pm · Unlike · 1

    Najib Burhani Syahril Siddik: Tesis-nya tentang apa?
    May 19 at 9:03pm · Like

    Syahril Siddik Tentang perdebatan undang-undang penistaan agama pasal 156a KUHP. Undang-undang ini dijadikan dasar untuk mengusir jama'ah Ahmadiyah dan beberapa aliran kepercayaan di Indonesia.
    May 19 at 10:39pm · Like · 1

    Najib Burhani Syahril Siddik: Barangkali terterik, ini ada tulisan Melissa Crouch yang kebetulan juga membahas persoalan itu. ‘Judicial review and religious freedom: The case of Indonesian Ahmadis’ 34(3) Sydney Law Review. Tulisan lain yg membahas pasal 156a KUHP itu adalah Nicola Colbran. Colbran, Nicola. 2010. "Realities and challenges in realising freedom of religion or belief in Indonesia". The International Journal of Human Rights. 14 (5): 678-704.
    May 19 at 11:20pm · Like · 1

    Syahril Siddik Thanks infonya Mas. Ini sedang saya search dan download.
    May 19 at 11:26pm · Unlike · 1

    Farid Setiawan menarik sekali postingannya kang najib burhani... tahun 1924, Irfan adalah orang pertama yang menerima beasiswa dr FondDahlan yang didirikan pada periode K.H. Ibrahim. ketua lembaga ini adalah H. Fachroddin. saat itu, Irfan secara intens mengirimkan surat dari India ke Indonesia, khususnya Yogyakarta, tentang kondisinya selama "di negeri orang" pelajaran yang diterima, dan metode belajar yang diterapkan di lembaga pendidikan Ahmadiyah di Lahore...
    May 20 at 1:05am · Unlike · 1

    Hasnan Bachtiar Wah......awesome...
    May 20 at 1:16am · Unlike · 1

  5. Muthalib Samad Indonesia is much more stable under SBY despite the fact there are some radical intolerant action by certain faction againts minorities. In every conplict, the two sides should make an effort to intropect why the conplict happens. Certainly the reports that were given by Setara Institute and Wahid Institute must be taken into consideration, but the era before SBY was more unstable and the conplicts were more brutal and dangerous. The intolerant actions are done by all religious factions; wether from the majority or the minority. In Flores, several brutal actions are done by the majority Catholic. Remember, the case of hostiin Belu ( 2002 and several timesprecedent) triggered the anger of the majority Catholic which ended up with murder and burning the mosques and protestant churches. When this happened, Romo Magnis was just silent. The Wahid Insitute is sometimes double standard. When it comes to violant action done by NU personals such as the conplict between NU and LDI in kediri in which the LDI was prevented to build a small clinic, the Wahid Institute did not make any report on this issue. SBY is the best president for a moment. Those who hate him are only those who judge him un-proportional.
    May 21 at 6:47pm · Like

    Muthalib Samad Those who expect SBY to crash the radical factions through brutal massacre as how Benii Murdani did in Tanjung Periok( 1984) are more dangerous than any radical factiions. Certainly, every thing was under controle under Orde Baru, but the cost of human right abuse was so immense. SBY is chosen not to repeat that mess.
    May 21 at 6:51pm · Unlike · 1

    Najib Burhani

    Asghar Ali terima kasih kang najib atas re-post-nya, berikut juga atas tulisan2 lain yang memperkaya pengetahuan dan wawasan kami. secara khusus, saya, sebagai pengelola, mohon ijin untuk juga terus mengupdate informasi dari blog yang panjenengan kelola untuk ditampilkan kembali di situs kami, baik sebagian, beberapa bagian, maupun keseluruhan dari tulisan-tulisan panjenengan yang ada kaitannya dengan GAI. sekali lagi, matur suwun.

    oya, apakah penelitiannya sudah rampung? kami berharap mendapat copy-nya untuk dokumen dan tambahan informasi bagi saudara2 kami di Indonesia khususnya.

    terima kasih...

    Asghar Ali untuk kang Farid Setiawan, saya tertarik dg informasi yang panjenengan sampaikan. apakah dokumen2 ttg hal sbgmna panjenengan sampaikan tsb masih tsimpan dg baik dan bisa dilacak? kami bterima kasih jika panjenengan kerso membantu informasinya. suwun..

    untuk pak Martin van Bruinessen, terima kasih atas koreksinya, kami segera perbaiki dan update tulisan tsb sesuai informasi termutakhir. suwun.
    July 3 at 7:55pm · Unlike · 1

    Asrar Mabrur Faza New izin share juga mas
    July 3 at 10:03pm · Unlike · 1

    Muthalib Samad KH Ahmad Dahlan can be viewed from different angles. As the founder of Muhammadiyyah who tried his best to enlighten Indonesian Muslims through his a somewhat puritan approach in understanding Islam, he can be considered from the perspective of the puritans as a loser if his son espoused the Ahmadiyya Qadiyani. However, from the perspective of the moderate Islam, the involvement of his son to the Ahmadiyya Qadiyani, is a sign that Ahmad Dahlan is in fact a moderate Muslim.
    July 3 at 10:38pm · Unlike · 1

    Farid Setiawan kang Basyarot: insya allah copy dokumen2 itu masih tersimpan dengan rapi... dlm studi sy jg mengelaborasi peran Djojosoegito di Muhammadiyah dlm memimpin departmen van onderwij moehammadijah, madjelis pimpinan pengadjaran moehammadijah hingga akhirnya mendirikan GAI
    July 4 at 2:22am via mobile · Unlike · 3


  6. Asghar Ali suwun kang Farid Setiawan. mudah2an penelitianmu segera bisa dilihat hasilnya. kabar-kabari daku ya, kang...
    oya, kalo perlu referensi tentang Djojosoegito, mungkin ada beberapa di tempatku...
    July 4 at 9:00am · Like · 1

    Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa betul sekali mas,
    July 5 at 11:54am · Like

    Najib Burhani Asghar Ali: Inshaallah akhir bulan ini akan saya kirimkan ke bbrp org disertasi saya ttg Ahmadiyah. Kang Farid Setiawan: Sy akan sangat senang bila ikut dikirimi data-data tentang surat-menyurat Irfan Dahlan itu.
    July 5 at 7:13pm · Like · 1
